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Improve the effectiveness of your
Marketing and Communication

7 day free trial

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Try our Service

Create 1 Project
and max 10 Individualized Marketing & Communication assets to try our service




1 Named user
1 Brand
can create Personalized Marketing & Communication assets automated, at scale, and in line with brand




7 Named users within same org
up to 7 brands
can create Individualized Marketing & Communication assets automated, at scale, and in line with brand

Price upon request


Service adjusted to your needs, i.e. connector to your CRM, CMS or Marketing application, or special feature to create unlimited Individualized Marketing & Communication assets at scale in line with brand

How to create personalization?

Upload the text and picture you want to personalize and we will create uniqe MarCom assets to each segment and persona. 


How to stay true to my brand?

Upload your brand guidelines, logo, tone of voice, special font (if you have) and picture portfolio as a framework and we  will create your MarCom assets in line with your brand. 



How to segment?

 Connect with your CRM (Salesforce, Hubspot, Dynamics or Mailchimp) and choose what fields you want to use for segmentation. Or upload your target list in Excel and choose what fields you want to use for segmentation. 

Is my data safe?

  • We respect GDPR and EU AI data Act.
  • We will never sell or compromise your data.
  • Our service is built on standard technology from our trusted partners.
  • Your data is being processed in the cloud and we advise you not to upload any information that can identify your customer like name and personal We advice you to anonymise your customer information with a unique id nr and not upload more information than you need for a successful segmentation.
  • You have the choice to delete or let us save your data until next time after every interaction.
  • We can create versions of your campaing based on your pictures and copy OR we create it from scratch based on your input.
  • Your assets are your intellectual property.
  • You are always responsible for human quality control before sending your assets.  
More on how Solarplexus handles data security in this blog post.